Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Once again

Dear diary,

Today is so far going well and I wonder why. I am not crazy to wonder why today is going well because it has had very unfortunate happenings but so far none of them have managed to ruin my day. For example, I had to speak to my mum about my brother, yes the one who took off yesterday night, I am honestly not worried about my brother but I am worried about my parents. They have raised us well and considering that we are coming from a working class family we had a privileged life. So since my brother decided to act the way he is my parents have always been constantly worried.

Like I am sure that my dad did not sleep at all last night, because he was in Washington the first two nights when he was AWOL for 24hours. I had spoken to my mum in those earlier times and I told her not to worry, why bother yourself for a grown up person who doesn't care that he is tearing the family apart?

 My little sister on the other hand is on a tight spot, they have had sibling rivalry ever since they were young and now it seems to have gotten worse. Of course my brother has had sibling rivalry with me too, Once when I was on holidays from college he literally beat me up. I remember it was 2009 new years eve, he beat me up so bad that my forehead was swollen for two weeks, but I forgave him because I had started wrapping my head around the idea that he was never going to change. I simply forgave him for my mother's sake

I am not saying we have had Perfect parents, but We have had good parents who have toiled all their lives for us to make sure that we have all that we deserve in life. I would not wish to punish them in anyway because I know they deserve. I pray that after five years he will look back and be ashamed of what he has been doing for all this time. So that is it for now about my family

My boyfriend is off the hook, he had a migraine yesterday so he was acting all sweet and I always fall for that LOL. My BFF seems sad, will check on her later. As of now I have a meeting to attend.

Yours Truly,