Dear Diary,
A lot has happened in my life over a short period and a lot has changed in my life too. Not long a go I had a job, and three admissions to higher learning institutions with no means to pay for them. But now I have the admissions, the sponsors and no Job. Yes no job because I had to quit in order to make time for me to pursue two programs at the same time.
I wont lie, the feeling is overwhelming for some reason, both in a good way and a bad way, I feel kinda scared , I don't know why though. May be its because I am so used of taking care of myself and now I am worried that may be these good parents of mine will disappoint me, or may be because I am just human, and humans are always scared of change. All in all I can not explain what I am feeling today.
There's so much going on in my head, I am definitely going to keep consulting from time to time, just for the sakes of keeping my mind refreshed on HR matters as well as earning myself a little extra income. Its been a while ever since I felt the need of leaning on someone for help, and now despite the fact that its my parents who have agreed to sponsor my studies I can not stop wondering "what if things goes wrong"
Anyway, time will tell. I am keeping my faith in God and I know that he always lead my way, sometimes more than how I realize. I believe there's a bright future for me somewhere, and By God I will get there.
Enough about me, now my little girl started school three weeks back, she is still not writing anything that makes sense in her books, however she has grown so energetic, she talks more and always seems to have control of situation she is in (except when there's food involved". She has a sharp memory and so far I'm impressed, I'm praying for her and her future.
Yours Truly,
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