Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Dear diary,

This week is the last free week I have. I just have to go for registration and do whatever the heck I want with the remaining free time. Its not like I actually have a lot to do anyways, You have got to have money to do stuff anyways. So after registration I am going to dedicate my free time to watching series till Monday.

But, in the mean time I have to start figuring out means of survival. Its weird how uneasy I feel, despite big fat promises for assistance I'm getting from my family I'm simply never comfortable depending on someone else, not even my mum (at least since I started working) So I'm a little uneasy and I have started figuring out ways to survive without the assistance. Its not going to be easy, but I will live.

I'm contemplating how weird its going to be to have to sit in class again and listen and sit for exams and tests and wonder about assignments. This thing scares a lot of people mainly because of the meanness of the instructors and may be because the seed of fear has already been planted in their heads. Anyway, unlike most people I'm not afraid of this, actually I am looking forward to it except the exams. 

So I will keep you updated. 

Yours Truly